I Can Do ALL Things Through Him

All My Friends Say…


That’s right. Nothing.

Why? Because I don’t speak.

Ok, I see I have you confused. Let me dive into this.

I have approximately 200 contacts in my phone. Wow! I have a lot of friends. I know a lot of people. Maybe.

Maybe I just have come in contact with a lot of people who happened to share their phone number with me for some reason or another.

My point is that as I scroll through those contacts on any given day, looking for someone to talk to or confide in, I always end up just closing it and putting my phone down.

I search for someone to talk to and come up empty. Not because they wouldn’t, but because I don’t.

Sometimes, I don’t want to open up to them. The reasons often vary. Anything from they are busy to they don’t want to hear my issues.

How often do you feel this way? How often do you scroll through your contacts and think, “They don’t want to listen to my problems.”?

My friends, I do have one contact that will at ANYTIME and in ANY PLACE! He’s not in my phone but all I have to do is start talking and He will hear. I don’t even have to speak out loud.

Sometimes, I don’t even have to speak at all.

I just open my heart and He hears. He hears my heartaches, my fears, my troubles. He hears me.

And I hear Him.

I’m telling you, He is the one friend that’s always there and sticks closer to you than anyone else in your life will.

Jesus hears. He listens. He answers.

So the next time you’re scrolling through those contacts or text messages and wondering who would care…

Remember that Jesus does.

Until next time…

Proverbs 18:24 “…But there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”

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